These mountains that you are carrying, you were only supposed to climb.
~Najwa Zebian
Navigating Family Dynamics During Holiday Events: A Guide from Find Your Center
Navigating Family Dynamics During Holiday Events: A Guide from Find Your Center The holiday season can be a time of joy, connection, and celebration. However, it can also bring challenges,...

Navigating Family Dynamics During Holiday Events: A Guide from Find Your Center

Introduction to our new ask a therapist column with Boulder Weekly: “Dear Michele”

Clarity from Confusion: Understanding “Complicated” Energy in Relationships
As a relationship expert, I have observed a persistent pattern that reveals a painful attachment history at the core of

Identity Affirmation
Reimagining Confidence: From Conditional to Core Stability
In a world that too often measures worth by trophies and Twitter likes (bull**** and more
bull****), our understanding of CONFIDENCE

Identity Affirmation
Nourished by Neurodiversity
Working with, befriending, and loving neurodivergent individuals has gifted me a profound appreciation for the diverse expressions of human emotion

Life Transitions
Rediscovering Your Inner Balance: A Guide to Finding Your Center
Explore the essence of Find Your Center Therapy. Discover practical tips and insights on how to regain your inner balance