Relationships and Intimacy

Are you feeling emotionally disconnected from your partner?

Do you find yourself running from healthy partners or pining after the wrong ones?

Are you interested in exploring how your past influences your current relationship patterns?

We know it’s hard to walk through life without support. Perhaps you feel unsafe, lack trust in yourself or the world around you, have lost hope that good things can happen, and struggle to enjoy them even when they do. Our practice is dedicated to serving those who seek exceptional and personalized care. Whether you’re grappling with persistent stress, a sense of emptiness, or the challenges of balancing a demanding lifestyle, our bespoke therapeutic solutions provide the support and guidance you deserve.

What are Relationship and Intimacy Issues?

Relationship and intimacy issues encompass a wide range of challenges that can affect your health and the happiness of your partnerships. These issues may manifest as communication problems, emotional disconnection, physical intimacy struggles, or sexual dysfunction.

Addressing these challenges is the first step toward healing and strengthening your relationships.

Types of Relationship Issues
Communication: Difficulty expressing thoughts and feelings openly.
Trust: Struggles with trust that lead to jealousy or insecurity.
Conflict Resolution: Inability to resolve conflicts in a healthy and constructive manner.
Emotional Disconnection: Feeling distant from your partner.
Infidelity: Coping with the aftermath of betrayal.
Commitment: Exploring and resolving concerns about dedicating to a partner in monogamous and open relationships.
Parenting: Navigating disagreements about parenting styles and decisions.
Money: Agreeing on how to manage shared resources.
Long-Distance: Sustaining closeness from afar.
Types of Intimacy Issues
Anxious Attachment: Consuming preoccupation with a high-conflict, confusing, or unavailable partner.
Physical Intimacy: Struggles with physical closeness or affection.
Emotional Intimacy: Difficulty in sharing vulnerable feelings and forming deep emotional bonds.
Sexual Dysfunction: Issues that affect sexual satisfaction and openness, such as erectile complications, aversion to sexual contact, or a restricted range of preferred partner.
Intimacy Avoidance: Avoiding closeness due to fear or past trauma; being unavailable for consistent meaningful connection.
Relationship OCD: Debilitating obsession with potential imperfections in your relationship
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How We Can Help

Sex Therapy: Focuses on addressing sexual concerns and enhancing sexual satisfaction and intimacy. Analyzes the root causes and provides practical recommendations for the mechanical aspects of sex.

Personal Development:  Illuminates how past experience and core beliefs may influence your current emotions, behaviors, and relationships.

Couples Counseling: Designed to improve communication, resolve conflicts, and strengthen the emotional bond between partners.

Premarital Counseling: Prepares couples for marriage by addressing potential challenges, identifying expectations, and enhancing relationship skills.

Sex and Intimacy Therapy for Couples: Enhances both emotional and physical intimacy within the relationship.

Conflict Resolution Therapy: Provides strategies and skills for managing and resolving conflicts in a healthy manner.

Family Therapy: Addresses dynamics and conflicts within family relationships.

Polyamorous Relationship Counseling: Supports individuals in ethically non-monogamous or open relationships.

LGBTQ+ Relationships: Provides affirming support for couples and individuals, celebrating your identity and creating space to explore your relationship with yourself and your partner. 

Compulsive Porn Use: Offers assistance to individuals struggling with compulsive pornography consumption, fostering healthier attitudes towards sexuality and intimacy. This can enhance sex life with your partner, as well as recapture time lost to repetitive behaviors.

Chronic Infidelity: Supports individuals and couples navigating chronic infidelity, fostering understanding, healing, and the rebuilding of trust within relationships. We also support individual recovery from betrayal.

Separation Counseling: Helps couples navigate the emotional and practical aspects of separation with respect and care.

Divorce Counseling: Guides you through the trauma of a complex legal system and learning to cope with the loss of the person you believed your partner was. Helps you rebuild a full and meaningful life. 

Co-Parenting Counseling: Assists separated or divorced parents in developing effective co-parenting or parallel parenting strategies. 

Take the first step towards a more fulfilling life.

Ready to take the first step toward a healthier and more fulfilling relationship with intimacy?

Contact us to schedule a confidential consultation with one of our experienced therapists.